"Come Out of Her My People!"
- Revelations 18:4
"In the days those the and at the time the that of that declaration of YHVH, ‘They will go peoples of Yisrael they and peoples of Judah together to go and to weep they will go and YHVH Elohim of them they will seek Tsiyon they will ask way toward there faces of them they will come and they will bind selves YHVH to covenant of everlasting not she will be forgotten sheep ones being lost they were peoples of me ones being shepherds of them they led astray them mountains they made roam them from mountain they wandered hill to they forgot resting place of them.'"
– Yirmeyahu (Jeremiah) 50:4-5 Zonderman
CONTRARY TO POPULAR belief the Christian ch-rch did not commence in the Book of Acts despite modern Bibles translations telling us otherwise (Acts 14:27, 16:5). This might be a bold statement, but it’s absolutely true. A casual study of the Scriptures reveals that the true body of Messiah was actually established by a formal appearance of the Creator at Mount Sinai in Arabia…Yes, I said Arabia (check Galatians 4:25). A closer study will also suggest that it was established even before that with the first human, Adam. An even closer study will show that the very definition and function of a “ch-rch” is actually contrary to the faith of YHVH, the Messiah and the early Apostles.
The problem doesn’t lie with the Scriptures themselves, but the generations of translators who have handled its sacred passages falsely. Yirmeyahu Jeremiah 8:8; “How can you say, wise ones, we, for law of YHVH with when See! as the lie HE handled pen of lying scribes.” ~Zonderman From the corrupted fruits of these men generations of believers have espoused doctrine that over time has edged itself increasingly away from the pure message contained in the original Scriptures.
Over the centuries Greco-Roman scribes reproduced inadequate and misleading information from manuscripts originally written by Jews who possessed a diametrically opposed mindset. An etymological study of the word “ch-rch” clearly illustrates this trend. Etymology is the study of word origins. Words have meaning and serve as a memorial to an object or a person’s identity. To translate or transliterate a word is perfectly legal and practical, but to appropriate another word that has another meaning is dishonest and misleading, because it causes confusion and often sets a false premise when studying an author’s original intent.
To deliberately or ignorantly mistranslated documents under normal circumstances is dangerous, but to do it with a set of documents that claim to teach the only path to eternal salvation is mind blowing. It is perhaps one of the reasons why the Sha’ul encouraged intent study of the Scriptures in 2 Timothy 2:15; “Do your utmost to present yourself approved to Elohim, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly handling the Word of Emet (Truth).” But this is not to say that study on its own brings about salvation (John 5:39). Study should merely be a byproduct of a deep desire to receive closer intimacy with the Creator and nothing more. So let’s look at the word ch-rch and see what we can find.
Dictionaries give the origin of the word "ch-rch" as the Anglo-Saxon root, “circe,” which comes from the goddess Circe, who was the daughter of Helios, the Sun-deity. The origin of the word "ch-rch" is not from the Greek word "ekklasia." The correct English translation from this word is appropriately rendered as "congregation," "assembly," or "collection." The English word "ch-rch" does not come from this Greek word "ekklasia." Webster’s dictionary says that the word "ch-rch" comes from the Greek word "kuriakon," which apparently means "the Lord's" or "the Lord's house or belonging." However, a good Bible concordance will reveal that the word "kuriakon" does not appear in any Greek translation. Even the early English translator William Tyndale uniformly translated "ekklesia" as "congregation" and in fact used the word "ch-rch" to denote heathen temples in Acts 19:37. The only religious body in Biblical times that bares any resemblance to today's modern ch-rch is the Temple cult of Circe.
IEhoSha attended a synagogue Luke 6:6, proclaimed the correct uncorrupted Name of his Father Luke 4:17, John 17:6 and kept all the Appointed Times as observed in Judaism. Keep in mind that most Christians (if they wish to sound biblical) will profess to try and follow a similar lifestyle as practiced by the Messiah, even some to the point of wearing small wrist bands that contain the initials WWJD, meaning “What would *** do?” Now read the following list, which displays IEhoSha’s observance of Jewish holidays as recorded in Scripture alongside mainstream Christianity’s reaction:
- IEhoSha observed Shabbat [Sabbath] (Mark 1:21, 3:1-2 & 6:2, Luke 4:16 & 13:10).
This Appointed Time is thrown out by Christianity and replaced by worship on the Venerable Day of the Sun [Sunday], a practice observed in Yahusha’s day by sun worshipers of Circe.
- IEhoSha observed Pesach [Passover] (Matthew 21:1, 9-12, 17-18,23) This Appointed Time is
replaced within mainstream Christianity by the celebration of the fertility ritual of Easter, which was originally observed by the Assyrians, the Phoenicians, and the Philistines who displayed eggs to represent mother Earth’s impregnation by the sun. Dec 25th, Pagan priests would ritually impregnate temple prostitutes whose offspring would be sacrificed one year later to "Isis" [at 'Easter'] in a “child mass” where the newborns would be offered into a furnace located in the belly of a huge jolly red effigy. After the child is incinerated a wish list is read out for various gifts to be bestowed upon all participants for the coming year. Today, this practiced is also partially replicated in the Christmas ritual of bringing a child into Santa’s lap to request presents. Come Out Of The Pagan Atrocities! The child offering and sacrifice aspect of the ritual is fulfilled throughout the course of the year through the deliberate escalating act of abortion. Acts 14:13, Acts 19:19
- IEhoSha observed Sukkot [Feast of Tabernacles] Yohanan(John) 7:2 This Appointed Time
is ignored as an organized practice within Christianity. Sometimes, Preterists may be small ch-rch congregations that observe a week in the outdoors as a custom specific to that particular congregation but it is not an officially observed holiday by the ch-rch.
- Bikkurim [The Feast of First Fruits] 1 Corinthians 15:20-23 Yahusha actually fulfilled First Fruits by rising from the dead. Believers are to commemorate this feast by beginning to count seven weeks to the Feast of Weeks. See Fossilized Customs.
The obeisance to the Appointed Times is why Mary Magdalene and Myriam sought IEhoSha in his tomb at this time MatthewYahu (Matthew) 28:1, though Christianity often sights this reference and others to support Sunday worship. The Feasts of Weeks always begins on the First Day of the Week, as well. Ref: Jim Myers of Paleotimes.org
Any sort of adherence to all of the above Appointed Times and other seemingly archaic Jewish customs is barely recognized let alone formerly practiced within Christianity! IEhoSha never attended a ch-rch, celebrated Christmas, Easter, Lent, Good Friday, Sunday worship services or any other custom in a way that is even remotely similar to any major events practiced within all Christendom throughout the last eighteen hundred years of its divergent lifespan.
Ritual meetings on the first day of the week occurred because believers would usually still be gathered together at nightfall on the close of the Sabbath.
Sha’ul also attended and spoke in synagogues after his conversion Acts 13:5, 13:14-15 and even observed Sabbaths in communities that did not have synagogues by meeting with believers outside the city walls Acts 16:13. He also pronounced the Name of YHUH Acts 2:21 & Romans 10:13 and kept the Torah Acts 21:21-24.
Sha’ul calls believers to be imitators of Yahusha, Ephesians 5:1 yet all Christianity ducks and weaves just about every aspect of his daily, weekly and monthly routine that has any association with Judaic practices. IEhoSha is off celebrating The Feast of Hanukkah in Yohanan John 10:22 and amazingly when it commenced on Christmas day 2005 most if not all of Christianity didn’t even bat an eyelid. This is because the Messiah has been totally obscured by a Greco-Romanticized miracle working crusader who apparently put an end to the Torah (law) and established a new replacement do as thy will grace covered religion. Is it any wonder that the Orthodox Jews runs a mile when they hear Christian preachers trying to sell a Torah destroying a miracle man that delivered with the same cheap rhetoric as a used car salesmen?
Dear prodigal children, the ch-rch is what believers are called to come out of, not just the Roman Catholic Ch-rch the CHURCH! Hinduism, and basically all of the ch-rches! This means any assembly that does not proclaim the royal names of IEhoSha and YHVH and does not keep the Sabbaths or hold to the covenants.
The Ch-rch IS NOT a new Israel or a continuation of the concept of Israel from the Tanach (Old Testament).
By this I mean any movement, organization or institution that goes under the banner of a ch-rch. I must make it
clear that I am not just singling out the favoured punching bag - Rome. The ch-rch, no matter what the denomination, is not a replacement of Israel in any capacity whatsoever. The ch-rch is not and can never be
the recipient of the promises made to Israel. The prophecies in Scripture concerning the blessing and restoration of Israel to the Land of Promise is not now a "spiritualised" blessing for the ch-rch. The prophecies of condemnation and judgment, however, still remain for national Israel and the Jewish people. The ch-rch has no relationship to the curses and blessings for Israel, the covenants, promises and warnings are only valid for Israel.
To accept that the ch-rch replaces Israel in the program of YHVH is called “Replacement Theology.” Major problems exist with this view. The most prominent being the continuing extraordinary existence of the Yahudite people throughout the centuries despite many of the world’s greatest empires’ best efforts to eradicate them from the face of the earth.
The Yahudites, though for many centuries being deprived of a homeland, a formal army, enduring a long existence as slaves passed from one pagan nation to another and never numbering more than one third of one percent of the world’s entire population have made contributions to religion, science, literature, music, finance and philosophy that are so out of proportion to their numbers, that it almost defies logic. Even more astounding is the revival of the modern state of Israel nestled like an eyesore in amongst over twenty hostile Muslim countries. If Israel has been condemned by YHVH and there is no future for the Yahudites, how do we account for their supernatural survival in the face of such great hardships and atrocities placed on them by the Egyptians, the Babylonians, the Assyrians, the Greeks, the Romans, the Muslims, the Christians and the Nazis?
WWJD? What Would *** Do?
You are about to read something that might make you very angry. But it is completely Scriptural and must be published. The truth is that to stay a Gentile (that is to stay knowingly outside the Commonwealth of Israel and practice the common Western interpretation of the one true faith) is to stay without hope. What do the Scriptures say? Ephesians 2:11-12; That at the time you were without Messiah, excluded from the citizenship of Yisrael and strangers from the covenants of promise, having no expectation and without Elohim in the world. But now in Messiah IEhoSha you who once were far off have been brought near by the blood of the Messiah. ~Scriptures “Therefore remember, that you being in times past gentiles in the flesh, who are called The Uncircumcision by those called the Brit-Milah (circumcised) in the flesh made by hands; that at THAT TIME you were without Mashiach (Messiah), being EXCLUDED, aliens from the Commonwealth of Yisrael, as gerim (strangers) from the covenants of promise, having no tikvah (hope), and without Eloha (the Mighty One) in the olam hazeh (the world).”
But how do we reconcile this truth in the light of the Apostle Sha’ul’s words, “For whoever shall call
upon the Name of YHUH shall be saved.”(Romans 10:13? The ch-rch does not deny that the Name of Abba Father is YHUH, but they do not proclaim it on the grounds that its pronunciation is uncertain.
So the ch-rches settle on the non-descript title, “Lord G-d,” which is a transliteration of a pagan city named, “Baal Gad” after the g-d of the Canaanites Yehoshua (Joshua) 11:17, 12:7, 13:5. This is despite Scripture calling for believers to refrain from uttering the name of pagan deities in the context of worship and praise. This statute first appears in Exodus 23:13 and is then ironically, reconfirmed in the very book that this pagan g-d is mentioned Yehoshua Joshua 23:7. The Jew on the other hand also avoids pronunciation of the Name, but they at least spell it out daily in their prayers as “Yod” “Hay” “Uau” “Hay”. The only congregation today that makes any consistent effort to pronounce the Name of YHUH is the Nazarene Israelite and Messianic Jewish communities who by definition accept that they are members of the greater Commonwealth of Israel.
WWJD? What Would *** Do?
Blessings in Ha Shem IEhoSha Ha Messiah
Coffey J.
This has been a response to Jason Jordan's Article from "Come Out Of Her"
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